Wednesday, October 9, 2019

35% Beef: The Rules

35% Beef (#29CQORGR) is a CWL focused clan with the following expectations:

  • Members are expected to keep their war status current
  • Be civil.
  • Put forth effort
Bonus medals for CWL will be handed out based on the differential between stars earned and stars given up during CWL plus or minus any "bonus stars" players have earned. A bonus star is a reward given out or taken away (you can have negative bonus stars) during each season to encourage positive playstyles. Bonus stars can be earned/lost in the following ways:
  1. Missing an attack in any war will cost you 3 bonus stars.
  2. One bonus star will be awarded for earning 4000 points in clan games. When we reach 20 members the threshold will be lowered to 3000 points, at 40 members it will be lowered to 2000 points.
  3. Bonus stars will be awarded or charged based on the differential between troops donated and troops received. In the last few days of the season each members troop donations will be compared to their troops received. For every 100 troops they have donated beyond what they received they will be awarded one bonus star. For every 100 troops they have received beyond what they have donated they will be charged one bonus star.
  4. Bonus stars can be awarded or charged for other actions that relate to creating a fun and constructive gaming environment.
If a player is opted out of wars and is included anyway, they will not be charged for missing attacks.

Behaviors that earn you a negative bonus star balance may also result in being removed from the clan.

Include the passcode in your join request.
Passcode: yo quiero Taco Bell

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